Sunday, December 05, 2004

Chapter 13: New Fields of Education

With the oil countries restoring their ecosystems by biodegrading the oil and using SSPS electric power to bring purified water to the deserts, the rainforest countries also began to choose to preserve what remained of their precious ecosystems, now that abundant electric power was there for them too, from space resources.

The bacteria which had once threatened WWII aviation by growing within aircraft fuel tanks, they now were employed to pre-digest the crude oil pumped up from below the desert floors, producing biomass able to slowly restore the barren deserts to abundant life, plenty of sunlight for photosynthesis, and water purified and transported to the deserts from the sea, powered by electricity from the GEO Satellite Solar Power Plants.

New fields of college degrees ranged from KESTS transportation technology research focused, to the technologies required to re-plant the edges of what remained of the rainforests of the world, tenderly caring for that growth, and knowledgably using oil-derived biomass and purified distributed seawater to transmute deserts into farmlands and gardens.


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